With almost 10 years in the mortgage industry, I’ve learned a great deal about what clients want from their borrowing experience. And equally as important, I’ve gained countless insights on what it takes to succeed. A common thread throughout everything I’ve learned? Entrepreneurial mortgage professionals are the ones who rise to the top.
As a loan originator, I love helping people understand the mortgage process and providing high-quality service. I pride myself on delivering the best contract-to-close experience in the industry, understanding people’s goals, and showing people how to properly leverage an asset to create wealth. An entrepreneurial mindset acts as a strong foundation from which I can build and expand my brands.
I’ve also learned a lot from other professionals along the way, and that’s why I’ve decided to start this blog to share some of my own insights. For mortgage professionals looking to improve their production, grow their business, and find inspiration, my goal is that this blog can serve as a valuable resource and a platform for exchanging ideas.
I plan to dive into how this entrepreneurial edge helped me get where I am today. I’ll talk about the constant mindsets, ever changing strategies, and best practices that I’ve used to build my brands. I’ll also focus on how mortgage professionals can find more success in their marketing to millennial prospects, and the upcoming generation Z. Understanding these generations as an important client base and learning how best to market to them can’t be overlooked.
If there are specific topics you’d like to read about or questions that you have, please send them my way. I hope this blog can be interactive, and I’d love to hear your input and feedback. If these topics interest you, stay tuned for my first post next week.
Let’s do this together,