I’ve learned that success isn’t a static state. Though we often talk about “achieving success”, it’s more about the process than the end goal. We may define a point in the future where we’ve accomplished certain goals or reached certain milestones as success, but when we get there (and sometimes even along the way) we redefine that point by setting more ambitious goals and finding new challenges to tackle. To me, being successful isn’t just a box you can check when you reach a certain point in your career or income level. Instead, it’s about knowing what you want and working toward it — making room for goals to change, and always finding new ways to improve. Success is a process of achievement, and that process is fueled by growth:
Develop a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is foundational in the quest for success. It’s a belief in your own ability; your ability to work hard, strengthen skills, learn, and improve. It’s the opposite of a fixed mindset in which you believe that things are the way they are — that talent and intelligence are fixed qualities and you’re powerless to make changes. When people operate from that fixed mindset, there’s no motivation to push themselves, to seek out new knowledge, or to improve. A growth mindset, however, fuels a drive to do those things consistently (more on how LOs can maintain their drive, here). While most of us tend to operate primarily from one mindset or the other, it’s not always so black and white. Even if you consider yourself to have a growth mindset, it’s important to be aware of what constitutes a fixed mindset so that you can make corrections if you notice yourself operating that way.
Be Humble
Commonly, we think of the people we consider successful as having it all or knowing it all. When we accept that as fact, we tend to set similar standards for ourselves. Unfortunately, those standards can reinforce the idea of success as a static state. If you deem yourself a success at any age using those standards (and believe you know all there is to know), you probably won’t feel successful for very long. Instead, embrace not having it all and not knowing it all. Leave yourself the space to continue growing and improving. Being humble is essential here. Knowing how to admit you don’t know something, asking questions when you don’t understand, and seeking out the knowledge you’re lacking are shared traits of truly successful people.
Keep Learning
Being humble isn’t meant to make you feel bad about yourself or make your goals feel out of reach. Rather, it should fuel your desire to learn. Take a class, read a book, find a blog, get a mentor — there are countless ways to learn, especially with the amount of technology we have access to. Don’t take these things for granted. No matter where you’re at in your career or your professional life, a thirst for knowledge is a great motivator for success. When you push yourself to keep learning, even after you’ve earned that certification, gotten that promotion, or achieved that goal, you’re making an investment in your long-term success.
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