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Want to Grow Your Mortgage Business? Focus on Boosting Your Productivity

Growing your mortgage business means bringing in more clients, and that means more work. The best way to ensure that your growth is sustainable is by knowing how to integrate that extra work without having to increase your office hours. The best way to do that? Boosting your productivity. Productivity allows you to expand your business without working yourself to the point of burnout. When it’s done correctly, it puts you in a position to enjoy the process of growing and reap all the rewards. Here are some things to think about if you want to boost your productivity:

Define What Productivity Means for You

This might seem basic, but it’s a crucial step. It’s common for professionals to define productivity as being busy—but just being busy can actually make us less productive. It can make us more susceptible to distraction (more on why being busy isn’t necessarily a good thing, here). If we’re forced to multitask, we can often overlook important details. If you’re looking for increased productivity, you need to know what that looks like. When you find balance in productivity, you can work calmly at a measured pace—not more slowly, but not frantic. You become in control of your schedule instead of the other way around. Once you’ve successfully defined what productivity looks like for you, you can catch yourself when you begin to go off track.

Always Expect the Unexpected

Things don’t always go as planned. Get into the habit of always expecting the unexpected. It could be borrowers late to a meeting or a delay in paperwork — there are countless things that can mix up our plans for the day. We need to anticipate these. Leave space on your calendar to adapt to any changes. You may feel productive when you schedule one task after the next throughout the entire day, but if one thing goes askew, it can throw off your entire day. If you allot some space, anything unexpected won’t sabotage the remainder of the day. You’ll be able to navigate those hiccups without slowing your pace.

Recharge Often

In order to be productive, we need to be operating at our best. We’ve all tried to power through exhaustion at some point. How productive were you? Most likely, not very. Our productivity is entirely dependent on our state of wellbeing. If don’t take care of ourselves, we’re not encouraging our productivity. Taking a fifteen-minute break might feel like it’s slowing you down, but if it lets your brain recharge, it’s usually doing just the opposite.

Mortgage professionals need to work efficiently in order to support a growing business. Defining what productivity means for you, expecting the unexpected, and taking time out to recharge are all ways to support that growth.

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